Friday, June 1, 2012

Home Sweet Home

This particular post is to give you all an update on what's going on in my life.  I have officially moved into my house and I ended up buying the old brick house on Evergreen Avenue for those who were wondering.  I really wanted the home on Fairview Drive but it needed a little more work than I felt comfortable doing by myself and you all know how I am...I'm not very good at letting others do things for me.  I just felt like I knew in my heart what the right decision was and I just went for it. 

Ben has been a huge help to me with the move so I'm extremely grateful to him for that, even if he did give me a hard time when it came to moving the contents of my closet.  I swear, men will never understand that we really do need all those shoes.  I did convert one of the smaller bedrooms into a big closet for me complete with a chandelier and a chaise lounge.  I'm considering purchasing a wine fridge for my closet to keep in there so I never have to leave, but for now I love it the way it is.  I do have a few remodeling/redecorating ideas but they seem to change on a weekly basis so I think I will live with things as they are for a while until I have a firm idea of what it is I want to do.

Elizabeth is still working with me on a couple of cases, documenting both my life and work.  She should be with me for a few more months and then hopefully I will be able to take some much needed time off.  Sometimes it gets overwhelming having someone around all the time but other times its very rewarding to get the stories out that I want to share with all of you.  I'm somewhat of a celebrity here in town if you can believe that!

Well, better get back to work as there is a very hard case I'm working on right now with Ben.  I just wanted to take a few minutes to say hello and thank you for subscribing to my blog.  On the left hand side of this page is an area where you can follow this blog by email.  All you have to do is type in your email address and hit the Submit button and everytime I post an update you will receive it right in your inbox.  It's a great way to not miss anything going on in my life until Elizabeth gets the next book out!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Is it Me?

I apologize for not having been able to find the time to post on my blog for a couple of months.  Between moving into my new home and trying to balance work, my life has been crazy busy to say the least. 

Over the past few months I've attended a lot of seminars and training courses in order to stay current on the latest techniques and advancements in the homicide field.  During my most recent out of state training class I found myself with a three hour layover at the Atlanta airport and promptly went on a search for some food. 

This is what I discovered in my quest.

Seriously, is this dress me or what?  I love how the artist juxtaposed the gritty aspect of police work by using recycled crime scene tape and making it into an elegant gown.  Much like my personality, I am the girliest girl I know yet I work in homicide.  Too cool and I just had to take a picture of it and show all of you!