Friday, August 26, 2011

I Need Your Opinion

I hate to admit it but I’m exhausted.  I’m physically and mentally spent.  Those who have read my first novel know I’ve recently had some unfortunate things happen in my life and as a result I’m looking for a new place to live.  I have mixed feelings about this as the house I currently live in is the first home I’ve ever owned and I love it.  Or, I guess I should say I once loved it.  Now it just brings bad memories to mind which is why I have decided to move.  Moving is exciting, scary, and sad.  It's as if those feelings are all wrapped into one giant emotional rollercoaster for me and I feel truly overwhelmed right now.

Today Elizabeth and I spent the entire day with my realtor looking at houses in Alton.  I’ve narrowed my search down to three houses and I can’t decide which one I like best.  I really don't understand why I'm having so much difficulty choosing one because I love watching House Hunters on HGTV and I have no problem picking out which house I think other people should buy.  Sometimes they pick the one I think would be best for them and sometimes they don't (to which I admonish the buyers through the tv that they purchased the wrong one).  It's so easy to pick out a home for someone else but when it comes to choosing one for yourself it's a whole different story.  If you're anything like me you find yourself filled with self-doubt and reservations.  You want to know if you truly can afford it not just now but years down the road.  You ask yourself if it offers you the amenities you value the most.  Most importantly you ask yourself, will I feel safe there?  You never truly know so you choose based on the best of your ability but sometimes it's the people looking on the outside in that know whether you are making the right choice or not.

Most of you have followed along with me now for several months and I hope we've gotten to know each other well enough by now.  I'm asking for your advice based on our friendship and what you know of me so far.  Which house do you think best suits me and where do you see me living in my future novels?  I’ve put links to the three houses in question below.  If you could, please take the time to click on the links and vote in the poll on the left as to which house you think I should go with.

House #1 on Evergreen Avenue

House #2 on Fairview Drive

House #3 on Virden Woods Court

If you’d like to learn more about me and the reason I am moving please click on one of the books to the right which will take you to my first novel called The Stakeout.  Thank you so much visiting my site and after you click on the links don’t forget to vote in the poll to the left of the screen for the house you think I should buy!



Sarah Renee said...

Hi Liz and Audrey! I really like the second house - it seems kind of cozy and friendly, yet at the same time a bit mysterious. I think it would be a really good fit for your new book. Also, congratulations on your new novel!

Bookalicious Traveladdict said...

Ooh I love this thread. What a great idea!
I think number 2 looks pretty but too many trees for people to hide behind.
I went for number one as it says it's down a quiet lane, so strange cars or people hanging about would be more noticeable.

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